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Therapy and Counseling (human)  please contact me via Email, Tel. or Facebook.

Per Session:  Health-Consultation or Therapy/Counseling               CHF/USD 150.-   /   Euro  130.-  

( 60 -90min).   

Phone Consultations Tel. (alternative Medicine 1st  Consultation   CHF 150.-   /   Euro 130.- 

                                     2.  and more  Consultations (another case)     CHF   50.    /   Euro   40.-



Therapy and Consultation for Animals:

Animal Communication or Health Consultation, between CHF 50.-  and   CHF 150.-,  depending on time and effort.  A big part of the money goes to our volunteer work with animals  in Thailand. 

                                 THANK YOU for understanding that I cannot work for free.  


Sämtliche Empfehlungen, mündlich oder schriftlich sind alternative Behandlungsmethoden die von verschiedenen Leuten erprobt wurden und so oder ähnlich (individuell) funktionierten. Die Tips sollen als Information dienen. Weder ich, noch Genesis II, haften für Schäden, welcher Art auch immer, die

sich aus der Anwendung der geschilderten Methoden ergeben. Es wird auch keine Haftung übernommen für Verbesserungen oder Verschlechterungen ihres oder des Tieres Gesundheitszustandes. 

Jeder erklärt sich selber verantwortlich für seine Entscheidungen und muss sich in Eigenverantwortung stellen. 


Many paths lead to Rome ...  a saying we have when it comes to choosing the right way. There might be one perfect way and some other options. The important factor is to choose a way.  
One of the main reasons to choose a way is to walk forward. To progress. Do you want to be healthy, free, happy, successful, and so much more?
Choose hope and invest in it.  Try out options and go the way you believe in.  New ways also mean; letting go of the old way. A big challenge sometimes because the old ways can feel so familiar and comfortable.  
I am convinced, there is a solution to every problem. A sickness can have many causes, all needs to be addressed and then figured out how to deal with it.
I don't really see a difference in treating humans or animals, well, animals might be a bit less complicated, but otherwise not.  
In my profession as a Therapist/Counselor  for 26 years, I have seen a lot.
I have not lost faith in humanity or medicine, I keep finding new amazing plants, oils, treatments that make my path as a Naturopath fascinating and amazing. 
God has created everything we need. If you seek, you will find.   
My Book  is  out!   
                                        (english only)     





Our lives are precious - whether it has affected us as children or adults, let's put an end to the power of rejection.

There is indeed a way to overcome it and become the person we are meant to be. 

It is never too late to become free and begin a new and exciting life; 

THE ONE life we all deserve to exist within. 



Rejection overrruled - 

             no more objections

                           say to yourself "I object" 



   You can order it: 




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